Pascal Asselot

Senior Advisor


Pascal Asselot is a Senior Advisor at Tech+IP. Pascal has a strong background in engineering and an MBA from INSEAD. His career spans various startup ventures, VC funds and large companies such as IBM, and a significant focus on patent monetization over almost 20 years. This work has successfully resulted in substantial revenues, reflecting his skills and commitment.

Pascal’s experience includes both friendly and less friendly patent assertion campaigns resulting in substantial revenues. He has managed patent campaigns across multiple regions, including the US, Germany, and Asia. His work covers a range of technologies, such as security, communications, and semiconductors, and extends to both Standard Essential Patents (SEP) like MP3, MPEG, NFC and non-SEP areas.

Pascal recently advised on the development of non-orthodox defensive strategies. These strategies leverage advanced AI tools, patent identification, and counter-assertions.

Pascal is known for his innovative and goal-oriented mindset, working well in teams alongside trusted experts and companies. His creativity has come into play with his co-founding of IPwe with Erich Spangenberg, IPwe, a blockchain-based platform that provides patent solutions.

Despite being based in Europe, Asselot has a broad understanding of the global markets and capital solutions, reflecting his extensive network. His vast experience, coupled with a creative and practical approach, shows Asselot's strong commitment and active involvement in the patent transaction industry.